Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. My whole family comes together in one place to eat and laugh.There may be an occasional fight, but over all I love this holiday. I love this holiday because I am a big fan of food and family. The thing that ruins this holiday for me is Black Friday.I wish that stores would stop starting Black Friday on Thanksgiving day. I believe that stores should open their doors on Friday morning and make Black Friday into a weekend event.
Every year it seem like stores are opening earlier for Black Friday. I have heard some where that they are doing this to prevent people from being hurt. If they want to protect their customers from being injured or killed they should extend Black Friday. The reason people get hurt every year on Black Friday is because people want to get the best deals and some of them will stop at nothing to get what they want. If they would extend Black Friday people would not feel as rushed or panic to get the item they want.
Black Friday should be extended so that their workers can spend time with their family. On Thanksgiving day this year my family ate dinner around 12:30 because some of them had to go to work that evening since the doors opened at 5:00 for Black Friday. Why is it still called Black Friday if it is starting on Thanksgiving day before most families have eveneaten dinner? Extending Black Friday would create time forretail workersto enjoy being with their family and friends. They can eat as much as they want, watch movies, play games, talk, and sleep off the food coma.
Another reason why they should extend Black Friday is to bring in more customers. If they extend Black Friday more people will have time to come in and see what kind of items a store has. Stores would get more people to shop that would have otherwiseavoided the Friday rush. This can give the people who are not night owls time to go the store to get great deals. Also extending this shopping holiday would bring in different age groups. People who go to bed early can go and more people could bring their children.Black Friday is a shopping holiday that many people love. I understand that people want to get the best deals.Do not get me wrong I like to shop and save too, the other day I saved 74 dollars when I went grocery shopping. We need to think about those workers who have to deal with crazy customers and people who get hurt. Extending Black Friday throughout the weekendwould be a winfor everybody.